Since a couple weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about my whole travels. It’s 1,5 years ago that I went to Australia as a Backpacker. Since then I never really got home… Yes, it just feels [...]
It sounds easy… You go in a Bar or Pub, in a Park or to a Soccer Field, at the beach or in the city, and you speak to new people… But this is not what I mean!! What I mean with the [...]
Means life to be on the planet earth? Does it mean to have your own thoughts and to be yourself? Is it to follow your job and do what you have to do? How long is it? To find your goal in life you [...]
My first question I have been thinking about is: „If I could choose between that I’m rich and popular or that I live a normal life… What would I choose?“ To answer this [...]
Was ist Australien ohne Roadtrips? Ich glaube jeder der nach Australien geht will einfach die beste Zeit seines Lebens haben! Und ein Roadtrip ist einfach die Möglichkeit die geilste Zeit zu [...]